How to Keep Leaves Out of Stormwater Drainage Systems

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How to Extend Your Property

Hello, my name is Danny and this is my new blog. I live in Sydney, Australia in my dream property. When I bought this house, it wasn't my dream at all but I could see that the place had potential. When I first saw the place, I knew it had potential but it was a little small. I bought it and decided to extend the kitchen and dining room out into the yard. I am not a construction professional so I had no idea how to do this. Thankfully, my friend recommended a fantastic contractor who helped me plan the work and then completed the work in super quick time. I learnt a lot so I would like to share it here.


How to Keep Leaves Out of Stormwater Drainage Systems

22 May 2017
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Clogs in your storm drainage system can prevent the whole thing from working, and that can lead to backed up water or flooding where you least want it. One of the most common materials that ends up clogging storm drains is leaves. Here are some tips for keeping leaves out of your storm drainage system.

1. Rake Regularly

To prevent leaves from turning into clogs, rake your yard on a regular basis. Ideally, you should make a point of raking the leaves every fall, but you may also want to rake the yard before and after every storm.

Raking before the storm picks up what's on the ground, and raking afterward addresses the leaves that have blown onto the ground during the storm and prevents them from reaching your storm drains.

2. Consider a Drain Guard

Even if you are diligent about raking debris out of your yard, you can't control what your neighbours do, and unfortunately, the neighbour's leaves may come onto your property and clog your stormwater drainage system. To prevent that, you may want to put a leaf guard or a drain cover over storm drains, French drains or similar types of drains.

3. Clean Out Clogs

If leaves get into your drains, make sure to clean them out on a regular basis. If you clean out the clog right away, you will be able to lift out the left leaves relatively easily with a rake or a shovel.

However, if you wait too long, the leaves will start to break down. They will mix with the dirt and sticks they picked up on the way to the drain, and they will make a thick compost that is harder to remove than leaves on their own.

4. Clean All Drains

Don't just focus on visible clogs. Also, remember to clean out the parts of your stormwater drainage system that aren't necessarily clogged. For example, the downspouts leading away from your house should be cleaned occasionally.

That prevents the buildup of debris and allows stormwater to move through the system faster. When the water is allowed to move at optimal speeds, it is less likely to grab sediment that leads to clogs. You can clean the downspouts by removing them and spraying water through them.

Finally, you may want to contact a professionals. They can clean out clogged storm drains, and they can help you rearrange your drainage system to make it as effective as possible.